Be The Person You Want To Be 

Be The Person Who You Want To Be 

You can be as amazing as you choose
It's your choice
It's that simple

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Anyone can feel sorry for themselves.
But no one likes to hear and know people who are negative about their life.
So do what you know you should do and life will be exactly as you deserve.

You have the power to change it
It's in your hands
Anything is possible.

Accept others as they are, love them, they are human and humans are not perfect
You can not control the way they are
But you can choose how you react/what you believe
Focus on who you are 

Be grateful for the huge blessing of your ability to create Anything!
And the good positive things which you believe & know.
Always follow your heart.

Love & best wishes, for a beautiful life.
Gemma Louise Doyle

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