Reasons For Gratitude

You have reason to be happy and grateful Every day.
Sometimes we are not happy of feeling life is on our side.
But the Truth is, it Always is.
Everything happens for a reason.
And these things are reasons for you to be grateful, to remind you of this truth today:

We have water, we have food, we have love, we have light, 
Be grateful for your son/ your daughter/your parents/ the family you do have and those who are now watching over you, make them proud of who you are and everything you do.
We have air to breathe, we have legs, arms, eyes to see, a nose, ears to enjoy whichever music we like.
We have shelter, a house to live in, shower to wash, clothes to wear, warmth.
The internet is an open network into endless opportunities. Create the life you want and dream of, the life you deserve.
We are alive.
We are healthy, we have the freedom and choice to do whatever we wish to do, be whoever we want to be.
You can be who you truly are, the best version of You.

Thank you & be kind to All.
Love always, 
Gemma Louise Doyle

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